The beginning of the Middle Ages is a critical moment in life. According to Ken Fox, professor of exercise and health sciences at the University of Bristol, it is around mid-40s that muscle mass begins to decline and fat deposits begin to accumulate. This can lead to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, strokes and some forms of cancer.
We would like to offer you several exercises that you can do every day to reduce these risks.

We would like to offer you several exercises that you can do every day to reduce these risks.
All women want to have a round ass, but even the lucky ones who have it naturally without training will start to lose it after 40 years thanks to the decrease of their muscular mass. Well done squats (with the back straight and knees just above the feet) can tone the whole body and prevent injuries by improving its flexibility.

7. Do not let your metabolism slow down, make BURPEES.
El cardio de alta intensidad estimula nuestro metabolismo, que es más que necesario para motivar después de cierta edad. Entonces, para prevenir la desaceleración del metabolismo, debemos hacer este ejercicio una o dos veces por semana. Comience con un conjunto de 3 repeticiones y agregue otra repetición cada vez. No te estreses demasiado.
6. To fight and prevent back pain, make a PLANK.
Doing this exercise for 90 seconds 3 times a week is a great way to tone
all the core muscles of our bodies. It strengths our abs, the muscles
of the chest, and the ones surrounding the spine. Our entire midsection
tightens and supports our lower back.
5. Protect yourself from arthritis — push DUMBBELLS
Chronic joint pain can affect adults of all ages. It is therefore not too early to prevent them. One of the best ways to do this is to do weight training. You do not have to spend hours lifting heavy weights. Making deadlifts or aerial presses with 1-3 kg in each hand 2-3 times a week can work wonders for your body.
4. Don’t let sarcopenia take your muscles away - do Y-TO-T RAISES.
Sarcopenia is a degenerative loss of skeletal muscle associated with
aging. So if you’d like to prevent bad posture and back and shoulder
aches, it is very important to strengthen the muscles of your back and
3. Protect your heart — train on an ELLIPTICAL MACHINE.
Low-impact cardio is a great way for women over 40 to maintain
a healthy heart. But if you really want your heart health to benefit,
you need to exercise at 80% of your maximum heart rate for at least
30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. If 10 is as hard as you can
do on a scale of one to 10, then you should work at the level of 8.
2. Live actively — WALK.
Walking is the simplest and the best exercise that anyone can do. While it burns calories, tones our body, and improves our mood, it also doesn’t wear down our fragile joints, which is very important after a certain age.
1. Relax — do YOGA.
Middle-aged women are more prone to becoming depressed, according
to John Hopkins Medicine, one of the leading healthcare systems in the
United States. Yoga increases a mood-regulating neurotransmitter, which
is necessary to fight depression. It also decreases stress and anxiety
Do you know other exercises good for women over the age of 40? Please share them with us in the comments.