The most important idea of weight loss has to do with the law of thermodynamics. This law means that to lose weight, you need to spend more energy that you ingest in order to gain weight, you need to take more energy than you put out. Therefore, weight loss is simple; Eat less food while you move more often! The following weight loss tips are just ways to enjoy and make a more efficient use of this inevitable law of nature.
Tip # 1 Weight Loss: Do not Get Dieting! Yes, I said, do not go on a diet. Most people can not follow a diet for a long period of time. They become discouraged and stop smoking. You must make healthy changes for life, do not look for the next whim of quick fix. Are diets and diet books bad? Of course not, you may be in the minority to find one that works for you. Otherwise, you can always learn something about nutrition that can be applied to your eating habits. By making small changes in your eating habits and over time, you will achieve your goals and be able to maintain them.
Tip for slimming # 2: Make small healthy changes 1 you can live with today! For me, it was cut sugary sodas and other sugary drinks. Regular regular drink soda has approximately 140-170 calories. Two of them a day is equivalent to 280-340 calories per day, or about ¾ lb weight loss per week if you maintain your weight before this change (see Weight Loss Tip # 6). What took its place? Cold water!!! Not only is water safe, once the cold water burns a calorie when your warm body is in place. So drink the recommended amount of 64-96 ounces. Water per day could equal up to 96 calories burned (based on the amount of cold water you drank before).
It should not be sweetened drinks. Desserts could be cut, or to limit to once or twice a week for every day. Try to replace an unhealthy snack a day with a healthy one. You just have to choose one that you can stick to (but start drinking more water anyway).
Weight Loss Tip # 3: Take Breakfast! There is a reason for the stereotype about breakfast being the most important meal of the day. This is because after fasting all night, your metabolism is at its lowest point in the morning. It is necessary to fan the fires of metabolism with a good breakfast that contains carbohydrates and proteins. If you do not, your body thinks you are starving and you want to store any excess calories you first eat (say lunch) in the form of fat to protect against long periods of time without energy input. The first thing for breakfast prevents this from happening and gives you the energy to start the day.
Weight Loss Tip # 4: Eat 4-6 small meals a day instead of 2-3 large. The easiest way is to have breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, in the afternoon and after dinner. There are 5, good enough. A piece of fruit is a great bite. By spreading your energy consumption in smaller, more frequent increments, in addition to boosting your metabolism (burning more calories) because your body never thinks it is dying of hunger.
Weight Loss Tip # 5: Reduce Stress. Stress causes the body to release cortisol, which is a hormone that helps us cope with physiological stress. In other words, the adjustments that the body produces in response to stress are contrary to weight loss. The release of cortisol promotes fat storage and suppresses the production of other hormones that promote the building of lean muscle mass. Try yoga, try meditation, try a hobby or hit a sack of sand. Just do what works for you to reduce stress.
Weight Loss Tip # 6: Determine the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight and how much you need to reduce per day to achieve your weight loss goals. Step 1: Determine your basal metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories burned by the body just to maintain a minimum of life support functions and is 75% of the total calories it burns. The formula is simply the body weight ____ X 10 = basal metabolic rate.
Now, to determine the number of calories you need each day to maintain your current weight, multiply the basal metabolic rate by a "lifestyle factor" depending on your activity. A note on the form, which is only a rough estimate, women need some less calories (maybe 200) indicates this formula. Men may need 100 more. As you get older, you will need fewer calories to maintain weight as well. So, use the formula to start, and then adjust your daily calorie needs based on results (this is where a nutrition record is important to see the tip of weight loss # 7).
For sedentary people (office workers, people who sit more often or push all day long) 1.4. For moderately active people (people standing all day as servers, service industry, moderate exercise) uses 1.6. For very active people (jobs with a lot of physical work, motors, etc.), athletes use 1.8. If you believe you are between two examples, then you can divide the difference.
Plug in some numbers: Weight 195 pounds, office clerk. 195X10 = Basal metabolic rate of 1,950 calories. 1950 x 1.4 = 2730. This is approximately the amount of calories you should eat to stay at 195 pounds. This is not an exact science, but it must be very close and it is a good starting point.
Now you can set your weight loss goals based on the amount of pounds you want to lose and when. Healthy maximum sustainable weight loss level is approximately 2 pounds a week. To lose 2 pounds per week, you must reduce your energy consumption and / or increase your energy output to 1,000 calories per day. A reduction of 500 calories per day will result in a loss of about one pound per week.
So losing 40 pounds will take 20 weeks or 5 months to 2 pounds per week. If you reduce your daily intake by 500 calories per day and increase your energy expenditure by an average of 500 calories per day. In our previous example, to lose 2 pounds a week, you either need to eat 1730 calories per day (2730 to 1000) or 2230 calories with 500 calories in the average exercise value each day.
Weight Loss Tip # 7: Keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat for 3 days (each calories!) Then add the calories and divide by 3 to get an average. Now that you know the amount of calories you ingest, you can plan the amount you need to cut down every day to reach your goals.
Weight Loss Tip # 8: Move More! This does not mean that you have to start a vigorous exercise program. At first, you just have to look for ways to move a little more than normal. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to the store down the street, or park instead of driving. When starting an exercise program, start slowly and easily. No more than 3 days a week at first. Twenty-minute walk three times a week is a good start. Or, 3 brief exercise in the gym or at home per week. This will start to increase your calorie expenditure so you do not have to cut so many calories from your diet and still lose weight.
Like diets, most people exaggerate when they start an exercise program, and then they burn and stop smoking. It is okay to miss a couple of workouts, or even have a difficult week and there is no training at all. There is no reason to quit in frustration, just start over again next week.
That's all the weight loss tips I have for you ... remember that slow and steady wins the race. You do not get overweight in a short period of time ... it will take some time to lose weight as well. Make one change at a time, add to it when the previous change becomes part of your lifestyle